Let's take a minute to talk about your medication. This is Mugard, and it is a rinse for your mouth. Mugard forms a protective coat in your mouth. This can help to cover and soothe existing sores. It's important to follow your doctor's instructions for how much to use and how often to use it. To prepare a dose, you should slowly pour the desired amount into a dosing cup. Then, place the dose in your mouth and gently swirl it for at least 1 minute, if possible. You should try to coat all parts of your mouth. If swirling it inside your mouth is too painful, you can slowly roll your head around to try to move the medicine inside your mouth. Once you've coated your mouth completely, you can spit or swallow whatever is left. You shouldn't eat or drink anything for at least an hour after a dose. Also, you should replace the bottle cap and tightly seal the bottle. The bottle should be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. Lastly, it's important to follow your doctor's advice for other good mouth care and cleaning. For best results, read the patient information sheet for full information. Also, let your doctor know if you don't get the results you were expecting.